Monday, December 28, 2009
Another couch built find.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
More OZ racing.
"The 356 is Jack Bono's race car (pictured above) It had a super-charged (Marshal) 1500 Porshe engine and I made an aluminium bonnet (hood) and engine lid for it, along with other light-weighting mods.
If you look closely you can just make out Jack and I, standing beside Jack's Karman-Ghia tow car - probably engaged in some sort of VW talk! Jack is in white over-alls. The K.G. had a Denzel engine, and did a 15.3 quarter mile! It had Jack's signature number-plate......BON-OOO."
We then had no choose but to ask if the 356 was a 2pcs or 3pcs case and what year the 356 happened to be. This was due to the fact that we were discussing late 50/ early 60 racing and as we all know the 2pcs case ended long before the end of the 50s.
"Porsche was 1954 - from memory - it had a split screen when new. Drum brakes for sure, wheels were Kombi, drilled for cooling. The 1500 was 2 pcs case, to which Jack fitted a Carrera roller crank. The crank, which Jack got for free, had been damaged, so Jack called on his friend , Merv Waggot - a brilliant engineer - to repair it. Hirth said it couldn't be done, but Merv made a special tool to dismantle and assemble the crank. He sleeved the damaged big-end and fitted new rollers, and the motor ran for years. Merv was one of those men who loved to achieve the 'impossible'."
We here at the OSS must thank Greg for this invaluable information and also remind other out there that these pictures are owned by Greg and reproducing them with out his pr omission is forbidden.
Project OZ

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Modern Motors Okrasa Hot-up article
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Racing history from down under.

Silverdale 1962: Greg set the class and sedan record at this event!

Bathurst 1963

Catilina Park 1963
Here are a few words from the man himself:
"When the 40hp engine was released here I promptly traded my 1960, 36hp beetle in on a 1961 model. In exchange for some body work (my trade)
on Jack Bono's race car - a 356 Porsche - Jack 'worked over' my 40hp engine. He fitted bigger valves, ported & polished the heads, bored barrels
out to 80mm (1300cc), ground cam, fitted bigger oil pump, etc.
I fabricated inlet & exhaust systems, and fitted a pair of 1 3/4" SU carbs. It showed 72 hp on the dyno! It clocked 102 MPH at Bathurst!
That little Beetle gave me excellent service, a few race wins and records, and great pleasure for almost 40,000 miles - it was not only my race car, but my only car!"
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Looking for the ark.
But in the mean time we have uncovered some more cool period correct advertisements to entertain and amaze.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Blown 36er...

29,6mm inlet valves 28 outlet valves.
the engine runs but at the moment way to lean. but it pushes 0,9 bar =13 psi.
the engine has water/methanol injection what is in off position at the moment and i have no heating problems CHT goes to 125°C.
the engine goes like hell and i think it has something between 60-70 DIN PS. if the A/F ratio is perfekt i will go on a dynotest. at the moment the clutch can't hold the power."
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Busy Busy
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving is over, BACK to work.
Here is a quick peak:
Friday, November 27, 2009
2000 hits and counting.
36hp challenge get press.
"Friends of the Challenge
Just thought I would send you information on two recent publications and a web-link that have posted results and information on our recent 36hp Challenge activities.
As always, VWMA (VolksWagen Magazine Austrailia) has given your efforts a nice write-up in their issue #24, Nov 09 - Jan 10. Thanks Craig for your interest and support.
The attachment above is from Street VW's, a longtime Japanese VW magazine which I know you will not be able to read but which shows the story written about the 36hp Challenge, Mike Manghellis Rabbit pick-up at Bonneville and Jeremy Freedmans fast 208 MPH Golf at the TEXAS Mile. Thanks Dai for sharing the 36hp Challenge and VW land speed racing with our fellow Vdubbers in Japan."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A short film on Okrasa rocker modification.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Old text 3

This page has been posted with out the permission of the copyright holder, whom i have been unable to track down. If you are the copy right holder and would like me to take this down please contact us via: theoldspeedshack@hotmail.com. Also please do not reproduce this picture for profit or advertising purposes.
Old text page 2.

This page has been posted with out the permission of the copyright holder, whom i have been unable to track down. If you are the copy right holder and would like me to take this down please contact us via: theoldspeedshack@hotmail.com. Also please do not reproduce this picture for profit or advertising purposes.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Old text.

This page has been posted with out the permission of the copyright holder, whom i have been unable to track down. If you are the copy right holder and would like me to take this down please contact us via: theoldspeedshack@hotmail.com. Also please do not reproduce this picture for profit or advertising purposes.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Old mags on Old Speed.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
A history of a neat rally bug.
Saturday, November 14, 2009


The mad scientists here at the OSS have been doing some extensive research on carburetors and there dark, mysterious inner workings. With hours of exhausting time spent searching for the perfect match they were able to uncover yet another unit that would be suitable for this current project. Though not a common distributor it this unit was hinted, by one of the elder engine builders, as a perfect carb for a dual port old speed project. As easy to find as hens teeth and almost as beautiful as they are hard to find.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Another carb option.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Lion GT 36hp Kit.